Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hello.  Well we just returned from a one day visit to Amsterdam.  We took it easy friday night because we had to get up early on saturday.  We ate our first really nice dinner in Maastricht at a place called Edd's (eat, drink, and dance).  I had a veal cutlet appetizer and then some sort of pork dish for my main course.  It was so good and as a part of the three course meal i also got some homemade chocolate gelato.  After a nice evening we left for Amsterdam around 930 on saturday morning.  When we arrived we were somewhat rushed because we were trying to meet some more friends from our group here in Maastricht.  We ended up arriving at the Heineken factory a little late so we missed them, but we caught up to them later in the tour.  In the Heineken factory we got to see the process and all the ingredients they used in production.  They had all sorts of interactive programs and lots of information on the history of their marketing schemes.  Afterwards, we ate a late lunch at a little cafe across the street.  The hamburgers weren't amazing, but like so many places in the Netherlands their french fries were the bomb!  We went on an hour and half canal tour of the city.  There is so much beautiful architecture in the city and so much history.  After the tour we spent a little while looking around and some people ate some pizza before the pub crawl, i was still full from lunch though.  The pub crawl was alot of fun and we went to several bars around amsterdam.  The fun time sorta fell apart around 3 in the morning when we realized our master plan had one enormous flaw: what were we going to do from 3 in the morning till the train at 7?  After a walk through the red light district( probably the weirdest place ive ever been!) we tried to find someplace to sleep.  We ended up getting to an egyptian restaurant and ate some food before heading to the train station.  We finally got the train and were home by 1100.  Everyone slept all day and we are planning on heading to our favorite bar in Maastricht, The Shamrock.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hey everyone, sorry I haven't blogged in a while, but it was a hectic weekend in munich.  Last weekend was a four day weekend here in Europe so we decided to take advantage of that and headed to Munich.  Last Wednesday we had a class trip to Bayer in Leverkusen near Cologne.  The tour was set up by the professor from Lebanon Valley College (there are four students from there in our program).  It was very informative for me from the research and development standpoint of their healthcare division.  But as this is a business program study abroad it wasn't as useful for the other 27 kids who could care less about chemistry.  We spent the evening in Cologne and visited a nice beer garden  Wednesday night.  Thursday we headed to Munich and arrived in the afternoon.  Everyone was exhausted so we slept for a while in the hotel and then went to an italian restaurant nearby to have some pizza.  Friday we headed to the concentration camp memorial near Dachau.  It was a very informative experience and at times very difficult to grasp the emotions and terrible history of the place.  We decided to head back to the hotel and then an evening at Hofbrauhaus and Hard Rock Cafe.  Saturday we went on mike's bike tour around Munich.  It was very relaxing an informative and the guide really knew the history of many of the 3rd Reich buildings.  We headed back to Maastricht on sunday and spent most of the evening relaxing and calling friends and family.  We have five days of class this week before we head to amsterdam for two days this weekend.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

this one was a bit late due to internet availability issues... but i wrote this several days ago

Currently I am riding on my first high speed train journey.  We are on the way to Brussels in order to connect to our program in Maastricht.  Yesterday we spent the day in the great city of Paris.  I thouroughly enjoyed walking around the city and experiencing the justle and bustle.  We saw a lot of sights in only a couple hours so we were pretty exhausted last night.  In the afternoon before we checked into our hostel which was very near to the large church on the major hill to the north of the city.  The name of this cathedral escapes me but it had one of the most amazing views of the downtown and of course was packed with tourists (and the ever accompanying pickpockets).  Later after naps and showers we went down to the Champs de Elysees to see the Catdedral de Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe.  So absolutely amazing!!  There were thousands of people surrounding Notre Dame and there also was a bread festival outside.  We bought some crepes on our way to the Louvre.  The Louvre was so much larger than what I imagined, it seemed to go on forever.  We got pretty hungry so we decided to have our first pretty nice meal because the food in Paris smelled and looked amazing.  We ended up at a small place right off the Champs de Elysees.  I had pate with carmalized onions, duck, and a french beer.  It was one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time.  The duck was absolutely perfectly cooked!  Later we split into two groups to do a bit of shopping, and ended up meeting at the end of the night at the Arc.  We went on top for only 5 euro and saw the entire city from the very center.  Very cool view!  We decided it would be prudent to head to bed early v=because we had to be on the train by 825 today.  We are just now arriving in Brusseles and later we make our way to Maastricht.  More to come in a couple days.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

So yesterday was one of the craziest days of my life. We spent most of the evening after dinner browsing the La Rambla stores and people watching. There was a large department store called Corte Ingles that was much like a Macys except that it had a huge grocery store on the lowest level. That night was a championship futbol match in which FC Barcelona won some championship. The main square Plaza Catalunya was packed with high school and college students. They had a public broadcast of the game and after the team won, thousands of people took to the streets to celebrate. It was crazy! There were people lighting off fireworks and climbing anything and everything they could find.
Today we are planning on heading down to the beach and doing dome sightseeing, but it is supposed to rain a lot so not sure how well that will work out.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Barcelona Day 1

Well we finally made it to our hostel, which was quite a confusing trip once we got off the bus.  The flight went very well and we met some kids from UNC that were headed to Sevilla for the summer.  It was interesting getting off the flight from Philadelphia because they questioned about swine flu and we had to fill out a bunch of paperwork.  As we got off there were a bunch of police and they all had masks and were checking people for symptoms.  Not very relaxing! I started to take a bunch of photos and was quickly approached by a police officer and in spanish he started demanding that I delete them all.  So i frantically tried to figure out how to do this, and finally i just erased the whole thing.  Anyways heres a view from our hostel.

We are going to wait here until andrew and jeremy get up and then mia should be arriving soon.  Ill have some more pics tomorrow as we explore the city today.