Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Barcelona Day 1

Well we finally made it to our hostel, which was quite a confusing trip once we got off the bus.  The flight went very well and we met some kids from UNC that were headed to Sevilla for the summer.  It was interesting getting off the flight from Philadelphia because they questioned about swine flu and we had to fill out a bunch of paperwork.  As we got off there were a bunch of police and they all had masks and were checking people for symptoms.  Not very relaxing! I started to take a bunch of photos and was quickly approached by a police officer and in spanish he started demanding that I delete them all.  So i frantically tried to figure out how to do this, and finally i just erased the whole thing.  Anyways heres a view from our hostel.

We are going to wait here until andrew and jeremy get up and then mia should be arriving soon.  Ill have some more pics tomorrow as we explore the city today.

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